Emma Coleman

Total 21 Posts

Sometimes we forget what we have control over, but innovation is a choice

Justin Cutler is the Recreation Services Director for the city of Seattle. Previously, he founded RecRx, a company that manages referrals between medical providers and recreation services for evidence-based chronic disease management programs, and served as the Recreation Services Manager for Westminster, Colorado. We spoke with him about equity, data, and the future of the

The rise of pop-up parks

A few years ago, pop-ups were known as a source of frustration. As internet nuisances designed to spring ads on you, they inevitably led to calculations for the easiest exit with the fewest clicks. No one wanted to stay in a pop-up. But now, it wouldn’t be uncommon to spend a few hours in a

Ethics is a commitment to struggle with the murk

Nishant Shah is a product manager who formerly worked for the U.S. Digital Service.   As a member of the U.S. Digital Service’s Department of Homeland Security team from 2016-2017, I had a chance to work on projects – like refugee admissions and disaster response – that were straightforward applications of USDS’s principle, “do the

Building an ethical data strategy from the ground up

Taylor Schooley is the Research & Policy Manager and LA County’s new Division of Youth Diversion and Development (YDD). Lauren Greenawalt is a New America Public Interest Technology (PIT) Fellow. Together, they are working to build YDD’s data strategy and understanding of data ethics.   Even a first time arrest can keep a young person

Connecting with Coding it Forward is the first time many students have heard the words “civic tech.”

Coding it Forward runs the Civic Digital Fellowship, a program that places college and graduate students from across the country in federal government agencies to work as software engineers, data scientists, designers, and product managers for the summer. We spoke with Chris Kuang, a junior at Harvard and the co-founder and Director of Operations of

Teaching human-centered design to policy nerds

Emily Tavoulareas is a civic technologist working with leaders across industries as they navigate the complex endeavor of modernization, digital transformation, and organizational change. She teaches about civic innovation and Human-Centered Design at Columbia University. Find her on Twitter at @EmilyTav   For the last 4 years I’ve taught a class called Civic Innovation +